1. 1:108

2. 1:4

3. 1:9

4. 3:40

5. c

6. (question mark 1) b;d (question mark 2)

7. Segment BF= 20 

8. Segment EB= 2.4

9. b

10. perimeters; corresponding

11. Angle-Angle Similarity Postulate

12. x(Line FG)= 5.1

13. 4 miles/ 1 hour

14. 2:3 do not drive a silver car

15. 12

16. 62

17. 20

18. 42

19. 10.1

20. 33

21. 6

22. 8

23. 10

24. 10

25. width= 11

26. length= 22

27.  SSS Similarity Postulate

28.  Converse of the Triangle Proptionality Theorm

29.  SAS Similarity Postulate

30. Triangle Proportionality Theorm